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Banjarmasin - Kalimantan

A victorian interior design was expressed on the 2nd floor in this house at master bedroom and girl bedroom, using classic furniture from Thomasville bed collection with soft colors wall finish and multiple wallpapers to luxurious fabrics and rugs. As a happily, energetic and easy going style small family with four members A modern style of living expressed in the living room using natuzzi sofa collection. By not leaving the victorian style, using dining table set from Hollywood homes collection at formal dining room. This two style was blended with a simple white paneling on the wall with wallcovering. Banjarmasin- Kalimantan.

Diamond Golf

An Early American style expressed at Diamond Golf Residence over 600m2 space. Mixed woods including walnut, chestnut and hickory found at Thomasville and Jonathan Charles furniture collection. A simple American classic expression evolve in the living dining room using soft color wall covering with white finish wall combine with some wall art and contrasted with the chandelier. Library and bedroom was being touched with a little bit stronger character style, by choosing the industrial rustic style furniture and strong furniture furnish, combine with simply wall covering and curtain design create a unique cozy room

Malang - Central Java

Another Modern American Classic style was expressed on Malang - Central Java Residence. Modern classic furniture with a decoration fabric sofa blended in harmony for the living room and kids bedroom. With simple wall covering, white paneling wall expressing a classic elegant spacious room. A touches of European classic furniture design area mixed with bold, beautiful colors and shapes area founded to make the foyer, formal dining and bedroom rich and stand different with other spaces. Malang - Central Java.

Pantai Indah Kapuk Residence

Eclectic design expressed in Pantai Indah Kapuk Residence. By using white color furniture and wall finish expressing a spacious living dining and pantry area. Contrasted with a pattern fabric for cushion as a accent and patterned rug. A luxury and elegance master bedroom over 40m2. A modern and luxury bed from Malerba bed collection combine with a gorgeous classic paneling wall expressing a classy character combine with a dark grey and white color accentuates warmth in a classical modern luxury style over 300m2 space in Pantai Indah Kapuk Residence, Jakarta


Da Vinci Family

Da Vinci as leading purveyor for modern lifestyle furniture and furnishings as always providing the best services for its valued clientele and their expectations, therefore, Da Vinci presents you the DA VINCI FAMILY. DA VINCI FAMILY is our Privilege Membership for DA VINCI customers, where as each customers listed as members of DA VINCI FAMILY will receive several special privileges and various exclusive shopping and promotional offers.


Currently, The DA VINCI FAMILY is composed of more than 1,000,000 individuals worldwide-across nearly all industries. Join DA VINCI FAMILY today to gain more benefits from our vast promotional offerings as well as the knowledge and experiences of furniture care and maintenance with special consultation with our team architects, interior designers and customer care division.


Watch  your  e-mail  for  the  latest DA VINCI FAMILY benefits  news  and  information  in the DA  VINCI  FAMILY e-updates.   Special  privileges  await  you!  For  more  information  about  DA VINCI FAMILY, please CONTACT US.

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Da Vinci Associates as Membership Privileges under Da Vinci Group for individuals, valued business associates and corporate entities that are based in the field of architecture or interior design. Da Vinci Associates Membership are exclusive with several privileges and accountable to receive reward point as benefits as well as entitled to use some of the facilities provided by the Da Vinci Group Holdings.

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The Da Vinci team will be ready to share with you any information related with furniture, current trends, upcoming trends, maintenance tips, room settings, etc and expect prompt feedback in max of 3 days via email to associates@davinciasia.com

An Link

Special service for special clientele, the DA VINCI team can help link you up with our valued suppliers from Europe and America so you can explore your creativity and design special custom-made furniture for your clients. One of a kind service for a one of a kind client!


Da Vinci Associates Membership

  • Da Vinci Associates Membership is available to individuals over 25 years, who shall be entitled to the members� privilege listed in the Da Vinci Associates Membership.
  • To apply for Da Vinci Associates membership, an individual can simply fill in the Da Vinci Associates Application form at the nearest Da Vinci showrooms or search for information on Da Vinci Associates via Da Vinci official website (www.davinciasia.com).
  • Da Vinci Associates Members shall be considered active as a member after receiving the Da Vinci Associates card and guidance book. These documents will be sent to the Associates� contact address in a period of 2 (two) weeks after the Associates submit the application form to Da Vinci Management via postal address to the nearest Da Vinci showrooms.
  • Compensation and rewards points as benefits shall and will only be given to the Da Vinci Associates members if and only if all of the purchased items have been fully settled and paid.
  • The membership and membership card is valid for the period of 2 (two) years.
  • The membership shall be renewable for every two years and may be upgraded as per reviewed by the Da Vinci Management.
  • The information you have submitted during the application process will be used for means of communication by Da Vinci Associates.
  • Every member only entitled for one (1) Da vinci Associates card.
  • Da Vinci Associates Card and membership privileges only applies for those whose name are enlisted on the card and cannot be used and/or transferred by/to another person.


  • Da Vinci Associates Membership is at the discretion  of  the  Da Vinci  Management  and
    Da Vinci Group Holdings.
  • DA VINCI MANAGEMENT may revise these terms and conditions from time to time, at our sole discretion. Unless otherwise provided in this guidance book, the revised terms will take effect when they are posted. BY CONTINUING THE APPLICATION PROCESS, YOU ARE INDICATING YOUR AGREEMENT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND ANY RELATED AGREEMENT AND ALL REVISIONS THEREOF.

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